Sunday 13 April 2008

the second puzzler of the week a word search pretty easy though so next week there will be a harder one keep comin back and checking it out so come on and give it a try

are you any good at those puzzler word searches well give this harry potter one a try there is three puzzles coming out every week so come back and be the top puzzler
funny jokes 1

A man was driving down the highway with a car full of penguins. Penguins sticking out the windows, penguins coming out the sunroof, penguin everywhere. A cop pulled him over and told him if he didn't want a ticket he'd better take those penguins straight to the zoo. The man promised he would and drove off.
The next day, the same highway, the same car, the same guy, the same cop and the same penguins - only this time the penguins were all wearing sunglasses! The cop pulled the guy over and said, "I thought I told you to take these penguins to the zoo!"
"I did" said the guy, "Today I'm taking them to the beach!"

Saturday 12 April 2008

do you like superman here on the right well leave a comment if you do or dont he is quite kool though dont you think all the stuff is great and the money

do you think that anyone would help rockhopper commit suicide then you can leave a comment saying yes or no and if you do would you do it that is most inportant

do you think that club penguin will ever be like this do do well if you do leave a comment go on then leave a comment
look at this pin that i have got it is amazing if you want play club penguin when you are 10,000 but if you get your are treated as a king by rockhopper aunt artic and gary the gagdet guy if you want it you actually have to buy it so good luck with that it costs around $2.00 but if you are friends with me thn i condsider it free so go on add me


now if i do succesfully track you down i will do this to your penguin oh yes and thats a threat look on the right and find your future go on add me and die muahahahaha